Help me out, all ye literary types and English profs.
Why do some authors decide to disregard punctuation norms?
I read David Guterson's novel "Our Lady of the Forest" with high hopes. I loved "Snow Falling on the Cedars" but had chosen to skip Guterson's second novel because it was about a 73 year old widower with terminal cancer. I don't know, the old-man-dying theme put me off a bit, even though I've enjoyed similar old men when described by masters like Wallace Stegner. So, having passed up "East of the Mountains," I was pleased to find "Our Lady of the Forest" on the library shelf (and proud to be borrowing rather than buying a book for my nightly novel addiction.) Young mushroom picker turned Madonna visionary. OK, I'll try it.
I liked "Our Lady..." -- but not nearly as much as "Snow Falling...". I'll omit a review because there are some good ones on Amazon (good because I agree with them, of course.)
But... Guterson has chosen not to use quotation marks in this book. There's no "he said," or "she said." You have to keep track of who's saying what by keeping track of the context. You have to figure out when characters are thinking and when they are talking. And sometimes, just like IRL, the characters have thoughts while they're talking with other folks.
Don't get me wrong: Guterson pulls off this difficult task with aplomb. You can figure out who is saying what to whom in 99% of the passages; even when more than 2 characters are conversing at once. Wow. Masterful.
But I found the omission of quotes quite irritating. It. Slowed. Me. Down. Sometimes I had to go back and reread a paragraph or two. Sometimes it just slowed me down, well, because it slowed me down. Much the way I get bogged down by the use of odd fonts. (And I really hate odd fonts in children's picture books because there is no better way for a new reader to enjoy her new prowess than to go back and read a virtually-memorized old favorite. Grrrrrr.)
As an unreflective novel gobbler, while trying to gulp down "Our Lady...," I hated taking those extra seconds to figure out things that my brain usually processes automatically. Plus, I was annoyed because I felt that somehow Guterson was inserting himself into the narrative -- "Hey, lookit me!" -- even though I suppose he might have intended the opposite.
Why would he have done this? Why do authors choose to flout rules? What good reason might Guterson have had for choosing this path? I'd really like to find an adequate justification because I think he writes beautifully and I love being led into the Northwest -- a part of the country I've never visited.
Maybe I'll see if David has a blog. If so, I'll ask him myself.
(And in case you haven't noticed, punctuation, grammar and spelling are not my forte -- I always appreciate copyediting comments -- though for pride's sake I'd appreciate having my mistakes pointed out by email rather than via posts....)
Update: I love Google. Check out this news article: Guterson suffered massive writer's block after 9/11. Somehow I find it comforting to know that even great writers struggle. Plus, I never knew that he was a highschool English teacher when he published "Snow Falling on the Cedars." I love that he was teaching adolescents, struggling to write after work (or maybe before work) and counted himself among the vast underpaid heros of this country (public school teachers.) And then, he wrote a brilliant book and got Famous. And Rich. Just in time to put 4 kids through college. Great story. Plus, in "Our Lady..." he's writing about a young priest's masturbatory fantasies -- turns out Guterson is an agnostic, Jewish mensch. Plus, you can go to this site, and if you live near Bainbridge Island, you can submit a manuscript to apply for Guterson's 8 student fiction writing workshop. Now I really want to visit Washington State! Like I said, I love Google.