Geeky Mom is sharing some fascinating ideas about Blogistan:
"Blogs make up a complex network, a scale-free network, in fact, as described by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi in Linked. He and his team were actually looking at the web more generally, but since blogs are part of the web, they follow the same structure. Scale-free networks contain hubs that are more highly connected that other nodes. Think in terms of airport hubs. The power law phenomena can be observed in blog networks.
One thing I want to think about is the connected between the blog network and the people behind the blogs. What effect does a person's personality have on the likelihood that he/she will be linked to? Or are the connections simply following the laws of the network?"
What does this mean? To show us, she provides Visuals, including two snapshots of her own Geeky Network:
Note the Cool Kids circling around our favorite Geeky Star...
There are many possibilities for visuals. Geeky mom gives the example of the world of political blogging before the 2004 elections:
Geeky Mom explains: "The colors reflect political orientation,red for conservative, and blue for liberal. Orange links go from liberal to conservative, and purple ones from conservative to liberal. The size of each blog reflects the number of other blogs that link to it."
This is SOOOO gorgeous. It is like one of the drinking bouts at Pilgim/Heretic's Bar taken to a new level. (And speaking of P/H, did you wish her happy blogiversay?)
Dynamic, interconnected, scale-free solar systems of communicating friends: I'm intoxicated just pondering the possibilities.
And... it gives me a fund-raising idea:
Dear Geeky Mom,
Can I pay you a generous stipend to create my very own blog network picture? -- I would love to have a chart showing academic coach at the center of her very own academigosophere. You could keep some of the money to fund your dissertation research (as a working mom I'm sure you would meet your May '06 deadline more easily if you could afford a couple of research assistants.) And, you could send a portion of the proceeds to Annika's COTA fund. What do you think?
Please consider the offer and let me know what you think.
Anybody else want a Master of the Universe Chart?
(Bitch, (j)oe, Scrivener, Dean Dad and popular others have to pay extra because they would have such huge, complex networks of all the cool kids on the block.)