"All the best work is done the way the ants do things - by tiny but untiring and regular additions."
-- Lafcadio Hearn
All the procrastinators I know (myself included!) nag ourselves relentlessly about our difficulty starting.
"I should begin RIGHT NOW!" we tell ourselves.
"But I don't want to!" counters our inner whiner.
And so the cycle goes....
We are painfully conscious of our difficiulty getting started.
However, few of the procrastinators I work with realize that they also have difficulty STOPPING.
Whenever we finally manage to get ourselves to begin writing, or any other anxiety-producing task, we don't dare stop. We try to take advantage of our momentum and push ourselves to continue as long as possible. We end our binges only when stuck, depleted, or burnt ot a crisp.
There's a reason we don't stop until we can't go on: We don't trust ourselves to begin again.
In the long run, however, our tendency to binge fuels our procrastination. Because we associate work periods with fatigue and frustration, we feel greater dread about beginning tasks. Once we finally get ourselves to sit down and start, we know that we're in for a protracted haul.
It may be counter-intuitive, but to tackle the habit of procrastination, we need to practice stopping.
This is why I recommend regular, short periods of work. Sure, some days you will be on a roll and find it gratifying to extend a planned work session in order to reach a specific goal. But most of the time, it is important to stop while the ideas are still flowing, and before you're tired or discouraged, so that you'll remember the work session as rewarding rather than grueling. If your work sessions are less painful, you'll be more likely to begin again.
You want to be able to say to yourself: "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"
Then you'll be able to answer: "Guess I can handle it again tomorrow."
So... start stopping today!